FAQs: Skilled Migrant Category 2022
21 June 2023Updated 21/06/2023
SMC with 180 points will be closed at 11:59pm on 15 August 2023. Final Expression of Interest selection under current rules is on 16 August 2023. From 9 October 2023, a new 6 points SMC system will be introduced. Read more here.
Updated 06/06/2023
We have been notified that SMC (in its current format) is going to close in a few weeks. We have not been advised of exactly when this will happen but it was suggested mid-2023 in the last set of announcements. This will be replaced by a new version of SMC - a proposal for which is on MBIE website, however, this is only in its proposed state. The final look is yet to be seen.
Updated on 24/11/2022
The selection of expressions of interest (EOIs) for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa resumes 18 January 2023 at at least 180 points. Median wage increases 27 February 2023 - this could lead some to risk losing points.
Updated on 11/10/2022
The selection of expressions of interest (EOIs) for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa that was scheduled for 9 November has been rescheduled for 13:00 on 11 November 2022 (NZDT).
SMC reopens after 2.5 years - limited time opportunity to be selected for residence at 180 points!
Skilled Migrant Category or SMC for short, is a resident visa for people who have skills that contribute to New Zealand's economic growth. It's a points-based system to assess expressions of interest (EOI).
This was the most popular residence category pre-Covid and was closed in March 2020 when the pandemic struck New Zealand. Since then, there have been many media reports and public outcry about when it would reopen. All these voices were silenced temporarily with the introduction of 2021 Resident Visa, but with policy now well and truly closed, this reopening of SMC presents a much-needed opportunity for another way to gain residency here.
How could I lose points when median wage goes up on 27/02/2023?
If you are someone who is claiming 20 points for being paid twice the median wage, you could risk loss of points when this rate goes up. Current median wage (at the time of writing on 24/11/2022) is $27.76/hour. This equates to an annual salary of $115,481.60 pa. When median wage increases to $29.66/hour on 27/02/2023, the equivalent salary will become $123,385.60 pa. If you are paid below this threshold, and have not submitted your EOI by Feb 2023, you will not be eligible for 'twice the median wage' points.
What is the process of SMC?
It’s a 2-step process. First, you submit an online Expression of Interest (EOI) which goes into a pool (no documents are uploaded at EOI stage). There is an automatic selection that takes place for those with a certain number of minimum points. Once selected, your EOI is verified by INZ and if all looks good, you are invited to apply to residence, also called an ‘ITA’. Once you receive an ITA, you have 4 months to send the documents as per the EOI you submitted.
How long can an EOI stay in the pool if not selected?
6 months
Under what circumstances can INZ return an EOI to the pool?
This can happen if you claim points you were not actually eligible for, and upon INZ reviewing your EOI after automatic selection, they remove those points from your application and EOI drops below the minimum threshold – it is returned to the pool, where it stays for 6 months.
What is the current SMC selection criteria?
The first selection will be at 13:00 on 11 November 2022 (NZDT). All EOIs with at least 160 points will be selected.
The second selection will be on 18 January 2023. All EOIs with at least 180 points will be selected.
After 18 January 2023, selections will be monthly, occurring on the third Wednesday of each month. All EOIs with at least 180 points will be selected.
SMC with 180 points will be closed at11:59pm on 15 August 2023. Final Expression of Interest selection under current rules is on 16 August 2023.
From 9 October 2023, a new 6 points SMC system will be introduced. Read more here.
How do I calculate my points?
Points you can claim are based on:
- Age
- Work experience
- Skilled employment
- Qualifications
- Partner's qualifications & skilled employment
Fill out this form for an initial check.
Is English required to apply for this visa?
Yes. A range of tests can be used. IELTS minimum requirements: overall score of 6.5 or more for the principal applicant. More details here.

Is English a requirement for secondary applicants?
Yes. If points are being claimed for partner’s employment and/or qualifications, then they must meet the same criteria for English language as main applicant. However, if they are only included in the residence application but if no points are claimed for their employment or qualification, they have a reduced English requirement to meet – they can also prepurchase ESOL.
I'm offshore, can I apply for this SMC Resident Visa?
My job hasn’t started, can I apply for SMC?
How much is INZ fee?
Stage 1 – Expression of Interest: NZD $590 (online) or NZD $710 (paper)
Stage 2 – Apply for residence: NZD $4,290 (onshore) or NZD $4,890 (offshore)
Does ANZSCO play a role in this category of residence?
Yes. It plays a critical role and often the area which attracts most problems for applicants. You need to find the closest matching ANZSCO occupation for your current job or job offer.
I submitted my EOI before 11 May 2022. What will happen?
EOIs submitted before 11 May 2022 which do not result in an invitation to apply will expire and will not be reselected. You will need to pay again, submit again under the rules applicable at the time.
I have submitted 2021 Resident Visa which is moving slowly/not moving. Should I also apply for this?
No. INZ encourages you to continue with your RV21 application. Currently, residence visa processing priorities are focused on completing the 2021 Resident Visa applications. INZ has committed to processing the vast majority of 2021 Resident Visa applications by June 2023.
What is the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa processing time?
INZ is expecting a large influx of EOIs for the first and only selection on 160 points taking place on 09/11/2022. Exact time frames are unknown at this stage, but it could be a while before applicants get to the next step after EOI selection. Read more here.
How many people can obtain SMC residence Visa in a year? Is there a limit?
No longer a limit, it is uncapped (used to have a limit).
Are you thinking of applying for residence under the SMC pathway?