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Accredited Employer Work Visa – Mistakes You Can Make

26 February 2024

Here is a scenario:

The employer has completed a Job Check and has given you a job token. They ask you to sort out your Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) yourself. 

You now wonder whether to use an adviser or handle it on your own. You ask around for adviser fees. You feel it’s too expensive. You think it looks quite straightforward, and you decide not to engage an adviser.

While there is nothing wrong or risky about applying for an AEWV yourself, there are aspects within this application where you can easily trip up.

Here’s everything that can go wrong with an AEWV application:

  1. You must meet the requirements listed in the Job Check. If you don’t, your application will not be approved. For this, you must know what your employer has submitted in the Job Check.
  2. Based on your individual profile — such as your age, experience, and previous immigration history — you can be subject to an interview. If you don’t clear this, your application will not be approved.
  3. There can be verification of your work experience, ranging from interviews with your previous employers to requests for further documents.
  4. If the offer made to you differs from what’s provided in the Job Check, it can create problems. 
  5. For some occupations, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) will ask for proof of occupational registration. This is again triggered by what’s entered in the Job Check.
  6. Expired token.

There are no prompts within the AEWV form (for the above issues) to indicate you are deviating from the Job Check requirements. 

While immigration advisers can be extremely helpful in ensuring a match between Job Check and AEWV, not all advisers are equal.

Experience matters. Why? 

Because an adviser who is experienced in a range of AEWVs, both in quality and quantity, can offer unique expertise carrying knowledge from one case to another. At Aims Global, our advisers have dealt with Job Checks and AEWVs of the widest variety:

  •  From wages ranging $144/hour to $27.66/hour
  •  Different migrant profiles
  • Different types and sizes of employers 
  • From roles within Sector Agreements to those on median wage exemption lists (and the impact on their partners)
  • From kitchen hands, waiters, and cleaners, to senior IT professionals, managing directors, specialist roles, electricians, and other trades, as well as caregivers and many more occupations

We have done them all!

With a 99.3% approval rate since the AEWV scheme launched (in August 2022), around 300 applications submitted, competitive fees, speedy service, and a high level of expertise in handling complications, Aims Global is well placed to manage your AEWV process.

All you need to do is contact us and put together the documents we ask you to provide.

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